Advantages of muskrat and the need for conservation

There is no reason to explain such a rapid extinction of the muskrat species by a sharp deterioration in conditions or other similar reasons. With the exception of the muskrat invasion, no other perturbations occurred within the muskrat's range during this relatively short period. The muskrat is destroyed by the breeding muskrat. The course of the blanks of the latter has a diametrically opposite direction — the curve goes up. Judging by the schedule, the turning point came between the fishing seasons of 1953 and 1954. These statistics are well supported by our field material. They also convince that the role of the muskrat in the life of the muskrat has now acquired the importance of a leading factor, against the consequences of which any combination of favorable environmental conditions is powerless.

A few remarks about the main argument of the adherents of acclimatization — the specific weight of exotic species in domestic furs.

In 1962, muskrats for 1.5 thousand rubles and muskrats (within the same territory) for 16.7 thousand rubles were mined. When comparing these amounts superficially, it seems that muskrat is 11 times more profitable than muskrat. In other words, the muskrat deserves attention and implementation. But let's return to the figures of the recent past, when there was still a muskrat fishery. It took place in a deteriorating environmental situation. Therefore, the figures below do not reflect the potential economic value of the muskrat, but state its profitability at extremely low rates. However, even in this form they are not devoid of interest and persuasiveness.

During 10 years of simultaneous fishing (1947 — 1956), more muskrat skins were harvested than muskrat skins, 3.8 times (in monetary terms). A comparison in the same equivalent values of past muskrat harvests (1947-1956) with the results of the already organized muskrat fishery (1953-1962) also confirms the advantages of muskrat. At one time, 1.5 times more products were obtained from muskrat blanks than are now received from the muskrat fishery. However, the haphazard and accidental extraction of muskrat in the central regions of the European part of the USSR cannot be called fishing. It is not organized here and, most importantly, has no prospects, since the population does not see the muskrat fishery as a source of constant good earnings and therefore is not interested in it. Thus, from the point of view of the modern economy and the demands of the population, the event for the resettlement of muskrats in the central regions of our country is also not thought out.

If the purpose of working with the muskrat inside the muskrat range is still unclear, then the results can be summarized. In order to receive the maximum income of 16.7 thousand rubles from the muskrat (1962), the fishery of a good domestic species was ruined, which at one time produced products worth up to 23.3 thousand rubles (1953).

Summing up the general results of the acclimatization of muskrats in the central regions of the European part of the USSR, the following conclusions can be drawn. Economically, the work done is pointless, it would be more reasonable to spend all the considerable funds spent on the resettlement of muskrats on the establishment of a proper muskrat farm. In terms of healthcare, the importation of muskrat has greatly complicated the epidemiological situation in densely populated areas, created favorable conditions for the development and spread of serious human infectious diseases (hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne encephalitis, leptospirosis, tularemia). Scientifically, we have not only received material evidence of the irresponsible profanation of the ideas of acclimatization, but we are also losing our endemic — the only representative of the ancient genus Desmana, whose scientific and cultural value is unthinkable to calculate in rubles.

In order to protect the last remnants of the muskrat from complete destruction, it is necessary to ban its fishing everywhere, establish good protection of the animal, create a wide network of hospitals for the reproduction of its livestock.

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