
Basic Approach to Corporate Governance

Yaskawa Electric recognizes the importance of corporate ethics based on compliance with laws and regulations and considers it an important issue to enhance corporate value by speeding up management decision-making in response to changing social and economic environments and improving management soundness.

To achieve this, we will build good relationships with our stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, business partners, local communities, and employees. We will also further strengthen our current institutions, including the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Audit and Supervisory Committee, and Accounting Auditor, while enhancing corporate governance.

For our shareholders and investors, we will strive to disclose information promptly and accurately, and at the same time, enhance management transparency by disclosing a wide range of information.

“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to contribute on improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large”.


Enhance Knowledge and employability of Youth
Extend arms to help the, on need-based approach
Encourage & create awareness on Health & Safety


Staff Volunteering
Collaborating (with academic institutions, non-profit organizations etc.)

A glaring opportunity divide separates young people who have the access, skills, and chance to succeed from those who don’t. We, at YASKAWA firmly believe we can and must help close this gap.

One of the top priorities for us is the education of the underprivileged children, though our “Corporate Social Responsibility”. We have always realized that the education is the backbone of society. Opportunity provided to put skills and training into practice & to address future growth.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Project Proposals


Annual Report 2023-24 Annual Report 2019-20 Annual Report 2018-19 Annual Report 2017-18

As a member of global communities, YASKAWA Group is convinced that compliance, fairness and integrity are the fundamental of our business in achieving our mission that we leverage the pursuit of our business to contribute to the advancement of society and the well-being of humankind. “YASKAWA Group Code of Conduct” sets forth basic policies all group companies have to comply with and this “Guidance on YASKAWA Group Code of Conduct” provides all officers and employees of our group with practical guidelines to implement such policies in their business activities.

16 principles of “YASKAWA Group Code of Conduct

Compliance and Sincere, Responsible Behavior
Sustainable Society through Eco-friendly Business Activities
Fair Competition
Intellectual Property Rights
Information Security
Timely and Appropriate Disclosure
Document Management, Fair and Transparent Decision-making
Compliance with Accounting and Taxation Rules
Thorough Management of Security Trade Control
Sales and Credit Management
Safety and Quality Control
Procurement and Proper Payment
Relationships with Distributer, Agent and Representative
Relationships with Stakeholders and Interested Parties
Compliance with Labor Laws
Satisfying Workplace Environment

YASKAWA Group Code of Conduct

Corporate and Registered Office

YASKAWA India Pvt Ltd.
#17/A, 2nd Main, Electronic City, Phase – I, Hosur Road,
Bengaluru – 560 100, India

Call Us

+91 80 4244 1900

Email Us

For General Info: info@yaskawa.in
For Careers: careers@yaskawa.in