Symptoms and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

The main signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder are obsessions and compulsions, most often in combination with each other. Obsessions are thoughts, feelings that the patient cannot resist, they make him worry. Compulsions are a kind of response to obsession and an attempt to reduce anxiety. Although he is aware of the futility of these actions, he cannot control them. The most common obsessions associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder:
1. Fear of infection - such patients suffer from a strong fear that when they come into contact with the outside world they will suffer from some kind of infectious diseases. Therefore, they often wash their hands, sometimes to the extent that the surface layer of the skin is damaged. In extreme situations, because of this fear, they do not leave their apartments at all.
2. Pathological suspicion - patients who develop pathological suspicion, as a rule, check everything several times, because this suspicion is often associated with fear of imminent danger. For example, a person will return to the apartment several times to check if he turned off the iron or gas.
3. Suggestive thoughts - in this behavior model, obsessions are not accompanied by coercion and usually refer to aggressive ideas or ideas related to sexuality or some kind of taboo. For example, a mother may be afraid to harm her child.
Sufferers cannot resist these obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions, even if they are aware of their irrationality and spend at least one hour a day in such actions.
Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Medication and psychotherapy are used in treatment, and the best results are achieved by combining these two approaches. Since obsessive-compulsive disorder often occurs simultaneously with other mental illnesses, this disorder and its symptoms should be considered when choosing treatment.
Drugs from the antidepressant group have been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Currently, serotonin reuptake inhibitors are most often used, and of the older generation drugs, the tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine has shown good results in treatment. If the result is not achieved with the help of antidepressants, antipsychotics are considered second-line therapy. After the introduction of therapy, it is important not to stop it suddenly and without the consent of a doctor, since abrupt discontinuation of medication can worsen the symptoms of this disorder.
Of the psychotherapeutic approaches, cognitive behavioral therapy turned out to be the best, namely the method of detecting and preventing reactions. In this procedure, the patient is exposed to a situation that makes him obsessive, and at the same time he is asked to refrain from compulsive actions that he would otherwise commit in this situation. If, for example, a patient suffers from fear of infection and obsessive hand washing, they are asked to touch the door in a public place and then try not to wash their hands. If the patient tolerates this situation, the anxiety will gradually disappear on its own or decrease. In this way, patients learn that they do not need rituals to get rid of anxiety and that they can have some control over their disorders. Research shows that this method in some way "trains" the brain to a new pattern of behavior that leads to a reduction in symptoms.
All people who recognize the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are advised to consult with experts. Solving the problem on your own is not recommended, as the situation may worsen. Although obsessive-compulsive disorder has a chronic course and requires long-term treatment, with an adequate therapeutic approach, patients' discomfort can be significantly reduced. へようこそ - 誰もが自分の運を試し、興奮を楽しむことができるオンライン カジノです。幅広いゲームの品揃えと素早いペイアウトを提供しています。認可を受けたプロバイダーが完全性を保証し、年中無休のサポートで快適さを保証します。
